Saturday, August 20, 2011

Magic and Imagination! When in doubt watch a child play!

The other day I went for a walk with a new friend.  About a mile from our camp there is a wonderful place called The Fells.  Below is a picture and link to their web site.

The grounds are beautiful and you could easily spend hours walking through them.  We stumbled along a very magical place known as the Fairy Village.
 In this area the Fells supplies lots of Nature for children and adults to come and build wonderful Fairy Houses!  This is the gate you must pass through to enter the Fairy Village:

Looking at these creative houses I could almost imagine the fairies hiding until I went away!


This walk through the Fairy Village took me back to the days when my children were much younger and still believed in the magic of Fairies!!  

Are you still a kid at heart?  
I think we should all take the time to see the wonder!
Have a magical day! :)

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