I have been concentrating on a special project for a dear
family friend so quilting has taken a backseat over this past week or
two. I have however completed my charity quilt for the next Souhegan Valley Quilters Guild fund
raiser. Each member of my guild was asked to make a mini quilt with the guidelines
being that the quilt must measure 16"x16", theme 'Love, Peace, Hope,"
and must contain Blue! Can't show you the quilt yet but here's a Sneak
Peek at the label.
Photo credit goes to my wonderful husband Eric!! Thanks Bud-E!!
Wish we were there!! :)
SVQG Quilt Reveal is May 17th... Pictures will follow!!
So, it's May 2nd and I'm going to plan this to be my 'catch-up' month. NO NEW PROJECTS!!
Priority for this month - yes in order!!!
Complete special wedding present (sorry no further information as it's a secret!)
Complete Mason's Quilt - top is about 3/4 done!
Complete E's.... oh shhhhhh that's a secret too!
CC#4 - due May 31st.
Weekly: work on two FMQ projects! Oh and if you are following these you know that it's Leah Day of http://freemotionquilting.blogspot.com/ as the guest on SewCalGal's project!! I haven't had a chance to look yet but Can't Wait!! http://sewcalgal.blogspot.com/p/free-motion-quilt-challenge.html
If I get that much done this month I'll feel accomplished!! but I have several other charity projects I could also work on just in case I run out of things to do!!
Completed Projects:
SVQG 2012 Mini Challenge Quilt
New Projects:
Creative Conglomeration #4 - Orange and Fire!! Due May 31
Ongoing Projects: Worked on this week: also see no progress
2012 weekly - year long - FMQ Free Motion Quilting Projects - Plan to spend a lot of time practicing FMQ in 2012!
Leah Day's - Quilt Along - weekly quilting - Wednesday LinkUp http://freemotionquilting.blogspot.com/
2012 monthly - year long - FMQ Free Motion Quilting Projects - include donated amounts - shows one person CAN make a difference!!!
SewCalGal's - Free Motion Quilting Challenge http://sewcalgal.blogspot.com/p/free-motion-quilt-challenge.html
4 Patch 4 Hope - 72 4-patch blocks (January&March 2012)
Valor Quilt Bee - (May owe 5 to date)
(new group - plan to hit these with the 2 -FMQ projects I have joined!!)
UFO - 'T's (UnFinished Objects - Tops!!! - AKA To Be Quilted!!!)
Snowman Quilt - top together awaiting borders, quilting, and binding 8/17/11
Batik Log Cabin couch quilt - Blues - top complete
Boat Log Cabin Quilt 8/17/11 - took pictures - hanging in sewing area
Blueberry Conversion Quilt - Ricky Tim's Style
Jelly Roll 1600 quilt! - completed top :) Although rethinking.....
No progress:
Mason's graduation quilt - restart!! - Take 2!
Camp Bed Quilt - Free Motion / Crazy Quilt Part 3 of 30 (sorry - no photos yet-will follow :)Couch Quilt - formerly Mason's graduation quilt-see take 2!!
Eric's Browning Quilt (Christmas present 2010!!!)- still! hand sewing binding :)
Berry Bliss Twin Quilt 2of2 played with several designs... still deciding pattern 8/17/11 (got some fat quarters for this!)
Row Robin Sampler Quilt! have 5 strips of four blocks each... MoVeD the rows around... Still Thinkin... 8/24/11
Sunflower Glacier Star -Completed June's block - 4 behind now! progress!!! 9/4/11
SVQG - Mystery Quilt - Received instructions completed month 1
Two baby quilts! - pinks using D4P design - still piecing blocks...
Door quilt for camp
This week’s stats:
New projects – 1
Completed projects –1
Currently in progress –17

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